Prof. Dr. İsmail Erton (Director) / 0312 386 10 92 / 2000
Prof. Dr. İsmail Erton is the Director of the School of Foreign Languages at OSTİM Technical University and a professor of linguistics. He holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in English Linguistics from Hacettepe University, where he also completed his PhD in English Language Teaching. Prof. Erton began his academic career at Ankara University, where he served for three years, followed by eight years at Bilkent University and nineteen years at Atılım University before joining OSTİM Technical University, where he continues his academic and administrative work. He contributed significantly to the establishment of the Academic English Program at Bilkent University and the Department of Modern Languages within the School of Foreign Languages at Atılım University. From 2009 to 2024, he served as the director of the Academic Writing & Advisory Center (AWAC)®, which he established, and was also a member of the Executive Board of the School of Foreign Languages during this period. Prof. Erton’s scholarly contributions include numerous national and international journal articles, conference presentations, and book chapters in the fields of linguistics, translation studies, and English language teaching. He has also served as a referee for several international journals. Additionally, he held the role of Administrator in the European Union's OPTIMALE Project and actively contributed to the YÖKAK and FEDEK accreditation processes at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Atılım University. Throughout his career, he has taught a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses in linguistics, translation studies, academic English, and research techniques, and supervised approximately 25 master’s theses. He holds the International Certificate in English Language Teaching (CERTELT) from the United Kingdom. His doctoral dissertation, recognized and published by the U.S. Department of Education, underscores his global academic reach.
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Instructor Ezgi Altınöz (School of Foreign Languages, Vice-Director) / 0312 386 10 92 / 1672
Ezgi Altınöz is an instructor at OSTİM Technical University. She completed her undergraduate studies in English Language and Literature at Bilkent University with a full scholarship in 2020 and her master’s degree in Media and Visual Studies at the same university with a full scholarship in 2022. She is currently pursuing her doctoral studies with a full scholarship in Communication at İstanbul Bilgi University. Altınöz began her academic career as a teaching assistant at Bilkent University between 2021 and 2022 and has been serving as an instructor at OSTİM Technical University School of Foreign Languages since 2022. She held the position of vice head of the Department of Foreign Languages from 2022 to 2023 and has been the Vice Director of the School of Foreign Languages since 2023. She is also a member of the IPCC Conference organizing committee. She completed her master’s thesis with the title “Exploring the Everyday Cohabitations of Humans and Urban Animals through the Ecodocumentaries of Istanbul.” Additionally, Altınöz presented a paper titled "Thinking Non-Human Vision and Multispecies Response-Abilty through Situated Knowledges" at an international conference. Her research interests include environmental humanities, critical animal studies, human-animal relations, media studies, and cultural studies.
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Assist. Prof. Dr. Berra Abbasoğlu (Department of Modern Languages, Chair) / 0312 386 10 92 /
Asst. Prof. Dr. Berra ABBASOĞLU is the head of the Academic English Courses at OSTİM Technical University. She completed her BA and MA in the Department of English Language Teaching at the Faculty of Education of Tabriz Azad University between 1993 and 2001. She completed her PhD in English Language Teaching at Gazi University between 2005 and 2010. She started her academic career as an ELT (English Language Teaching) and EAP (English for Academic Purposes) instructor at Tabriz Azad University between 2001 and 2005. She worked as a Persian instructor at the Embassy of Iran in Ankara (FÖMER) between 2006 and 2008. Later, she trained students in the English Language Teaching department at the European University of Lefke in Northern Cyprus between 2008 and 2011. She continued for the following four years as an EAP instructor at Haliç University and Uşak University. In 2013, she traveled to the USA for short research in the field of English Language Teaching. In 2015, she started working in the English Language Teaching Department at Ufuk University. She has taught many undergraduate and graduate courses, such as Linguistics, Measurement and Evaluation, and Language Acquisition, and has advised approximately 10 completed Master’s theses. She has published many articles in international and national journals in the area of English Language Teaching and Assessment, as well as presented papers at international conferences and congresses. She is the co-author of a book on New Horizons in Educational Sciences.
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